Friday 16 August 2024

Happy Varamahalakshmi Festival


Tuesday 21 May 2024

Abhijeet Lakshmi Kesari Yoga for wish fullfillments

 This year on 23rd May and 6th June, there is good time(Abhijeet Lakshmi Kesari Yoga) and god will full fill our wishes.

On that day in the evening at 5 to 7PM, take bath and wear yellow color shirt or dress and fisrt visit Ganesh temple.

While visiting Ganesh Temple take pooja items in this quantity ( 0.5 kg black gram, 0.5m yellow cloth, 2 coconut, 7 banana, 7 lemon, 14 betel leaf, few flowers) and do the archana.

Then visit any Godess (lakshmi, gayatri, saraswati) temple or ammanavar temple and take pooja items in this quantity (7 Pomegranate, 7 lemon, 14 betel leaf, few flowers, Red blouse piece, 8 green bangles) and do the archana.

Then once you reach home, wash hands and legs and pray below mantra’s 33 times in the north direction with bit loud voice.

Surya Mantra:

Om Hram Hreem Hroum

Saha Suryaya Namah

Guru Mantra:

Om Gram Greem Groum

Saha Guruve Namah


Shukra Mantra:

Om Dhram Dhreem Droum

Saha Shukraya Namah

Sunday 5 February 2023

The great Mantra

 The great mantra is Om Namo Narayanaya, which  is eight words (astakshari) mantra. Pray this mantra 108 times every day in north direction. It is the best remedies for all our problems.

This mantra also will provide freedom from life and death journeys(moksha).

Each count of this mantra has different benefits.

1 lak – It will clense our thoughts.

2 laks – It will give Mantra sidhi.

3 laks – It will provide heaven based on our karmas.

4 laks – It will give an opportunity to see the lord Vishnu.

5 laks – It will increase our concentration and success.

6 laks – It will give Divine Knowledge.

7 laks – It will give Self Knowledge.

8 laks – It will give liberation(Moksha).

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Mantra for VaraMahaLakshmi Festival

 On VaraMahaLakshmi Festival Day we can chant Kubera mantra for 70 times to get good wealth.

Saturday 16 July 2022

Power of Mantra’s

Every mantra has some powers to achieve or guide something. Routine saying of mantras will help to control our mind and memory. Sometimes the good and bad thought will bring us happiness or sadness in our life, so daily saying mantra’s will tune our thoughts (Yadbavam Thadbavathi).

The Dhanvantri Mantra will reduce BP, Hypertension and other sufferrings etc.
Om Namo Bhagavate 
Vasudevaaya Dhanvantaraye 
Amrita-kalasha Hastaaya
Sarva-amaya Vinashaaya 
Trailokya Naathaya 
Maha-vishnave Namaha.

Monday 9 March 2020


Agnihotra is a healing fire from the ancient science of Ayurveda. It is a process of purifying the atmosphere through a specially prepared fire performed at sunrise and sunset daily. Anyone in any walk of life can do Agnihotra and heal the atmosphere in his/her own home. Thousands of people all over the world have experienced that Agnihotra reduces stress, leads to greater clarity of thought, improves overall health, gives one increased energy, and makes the mind more full of love. It is a great aid to drug and alcohol deaddiction. Agnihotra also nourishes plant life and neutralizes harmful radiation and pathogenic bacteria. It harmonizes the functioning of Prana (life energy) and can be used to purify water resources.

Science behind the tools or ingredients used for performing Agnihotra

Copper Pot:
The pot prescribed for Agnihotra is made of pure copper metal in a semi-pyramid shape. Copper is acknowledged for its oligodynamic (i.e. antibacterial) action. Metal copper plays an important role in the process of Agnihotra because Agnihotra has close connection with fire, heat, electromagnetic forces and cosmic energy feilds.
The shape of Agnihotra pot matches the pyramid. The word pyramid means 'fire in the middle'. The ancient word for pyramid in Egyptian was 'KHUTI' or 'KHUFU' which means 'glorious light'. The pyramid shaped copper pot receives, generates and decentralizes special healing and purifying energy in the ecosphere. Its effectiveness reaches peak levels at sunrise and sunset, with which the process of Agnihotra coincides.

Cow dung cakes:
Cow dung contains plenty of Menthol, Ammonia, Phenol, Indol, Formalin and specially its bacteriophage eradicate the pathogens and are a recognised disinfectant.

Cow Ghee:
Oblations of cow's ghee offered to the yagnya fire purifies the atmosphere, spreads a pleasant fragrance in it. The evil effects of all the chemically poisonous gases that are floating in the atmosphere due to severe pollution are nullified when yagnya is performed with offerings of Indian cow's pure ghee. Gases produced by the burning of cow’s pure ghee acts in balancing the cycle of nature.
Cow's Ghee is Life,' so says the Ancient Vedas. Ancient healers (medical practitioners) having known its wonderful healing properties have given it a place of honour by describing it as the Medicines Medicine. Cow's ghee is the most unique matter, the nector available to man on the plant earth.
When cow's ghee is mixed with rice grains and uttering the mantras Agnihotra oblations are offered to the fire 4 types of gases that are produced with the burning of the oblations have been recognized so far.
They are: Ethylene Oxide, Propylene Oxide, Formaldehyde and Butapropiolactone.
After the oblations are offered to the fire, cow's ghee produces acetylene, the energy of excessive heat, which sucks in the polluted air and purifies it. The gases that are produced from the burning of the cow's ghee possess the wonderful capacity of removing mental tensions and curing many diseases.

Unbroken Raw Rice:
Rice has a balancing yin and yang effect. Many ethereal oils are released during the process of combustion and chemical reactions are set off.

Agnihotra Mantras:

These Mantras are in Sanskrit are ordained by the Vedas. All the alphabets of the Sanskrit language are endowed with special vibrational powers.

Meaning of the Mantras:
Sunrise Mantra:
Unto the sun I am offering this offering. This is not mine, this is Thine.

Sunset Mantra:
Unto the fire I am offering all. This offering is not mine it is Thine.

The vibratory sound waves are powerful beyond imagination. Their immediate effect on the atmosphere and all life, even plant is extremely gratifying and nutritious.

Sunrise and Sunset are termed as circadian rhythms, they are  the smallest rhythmic cycles of nature.

Agnihotra is ordained to be performed exactly on these vitally important transitional moments. During these moments important changes occur in the atmosphere of earth which cause vital impact on life and the environment. Agnihotra time is referred to as 'Transitional moment' ie. Sandhya in Sanskrit.. It is neither day nor night, neither light nor darkness. Vedas describe this particular period as the 'Passage to Liberation' ( Tirtha ). The science of Yoga and Nadi system attach importance to this transitional moment. 

A man follows a particular pattern of breathing from the right or left nostril during the period from sunrise to sunset and beginning with sunset to sunrise. During this period 'Ida' and 'Pingala', these Nadis remain active in succession. Exactly at the time of sunrise and sunset they too are in the process of transition during which short time the 'Sushumna' nadi is active. The mind and body are in balance  during this time band. 

Performance of Agnihotra synchronizing with this time strengthens the beneficial effects on the mind and the body.

Steps to perform:
Check the local sunrise sunset timings from the annual timetable provided  for performing Agnihotra. Adjust your watch correctly as per the standard time.
Arrange a few pieces of dry cow dung cakes in the Agnihotra pot about 5-10 minutes before the actual sunrise time.
  • First, take a small piece of cow dung cake and place it at the bottom of the pot.
  • Start arranging the other pieces of cow dung cakes around it neatly. 
  • Use a candle or Diya to light the fire. 
  • Take two pinchfuls of clean, unbroken rice grains (raw) on the palm of your left hand or in a small dish. Smear these rice grains with a few drops of cow’s pure ghee. Divide the ghee smeared rice grains in two parts.
Keep an eye on your watch and sooner its needle touches the exact sunrise time, start uttering first mantra 'Sooryaya Svaha'. While you start saying 'Svaha' offer one part of the rice grains to the fire. Continue and complete the mantra's first line 'Sooryaya Idam Na Mama'. Start uttering the other line of the mantra, 'Prajapataye Svaha' while offering the other part of the rice grains to the fire after saying and go on to complete the mantra, 'Prajapataye Idam Na Mama'. Concentrate on the fire till the offerings are fully burnt. The morning Agnihotra concludes here.

Working of Agnihotra:

The sun brings or takes the energy, which makes all conditions conducive to an anti-pollutionary change. It calms the world. The pyramid is the generator, the fire, the turbine. 
Just at morning Agnihotra all the electricities, energies, ethers are attracted to the pyramid in its shape. At sunset these energies are thrust out in same shape.
This flood of energies at sunrise creates strong purifying effects on all levels wherever it touches the Earth.
Agnihotra amplifies these purifying effects in the following way:
This flood of subtle energies carries music with it.
The morning Agnihotra Mantra is the quintessential sound of that flood. If you then prepare the fire in the prescribed copper pyramid, utter these mantras and offer the rice mixed with ghee to the fire, then a channel is being created through all the atmosphere and PRANA – life energy, is purified.
When Agnihotra fire is burnt there is not just energy from the fire. The rhythms and Mantras generate subtle energies which are thrust into the atmosphere by fire. Also consider the quality of materials burnt wherein lies the full effect of this healing HOMA.
Much healing energy emanates from the Agnihotra pyramid.
An aura energy field is created around plants during Agnihotra. Thus plants become stronger and disease resistant.
When the flame dies the energy is locked in the resultant ash. This ash is used for preparing various folk medicines. Therefore, by regular performance of morning and evening Agnihotra, you create a positive energy pattern on all levels.